Category: Adventure

  • Melissa GuryMelissa Gury
    Really Nice, User Friendly, Hokey, Spooky Game. It's got all the things we love in an HOA game. The artwork is nifty (ya gotta love the snails), the story appropriately absurd. What I especially appreciate is that the screen tells you when there's a morph or collectible and the intricate puzzles are a delight! This is nothing but Eipix fun at it's best. Enjoy, and thanks, Eipix. Koki, you're welcome! Glad I could help. 6/15/2016.
  • Takai VenableTakai Venable
    Yes,YES,YESSSSSS!!! Oh sorry there may be children reading these. I'm loving it. I need to go smoke my e-cig after this one๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Sarah KahoSarah Kaho
    Super, so far. Just started. Question: Has EIPIX always authored the MF games. I've played them for years & don't remember if they wrote the early ones. Will edit this later
  • Judy KaltenbachJudy Kaltenbach
    Key to Raven I absolutely love love this game. The puzzles are fantastic, a real step into originality. Great job. Keep up the great work. You really need to buy this game.
  • Angila MahanAngila Mahan
    Super Stoked! It's been a while since we've had a new installment of MCF. I haven't been a fan of some of them, mostly because a glitch prevents me from advancing. After reading the description I have high hopes for this one. Will update when finished.
  • Rebecca GillRebecca Gill
    It's about time you brought out a continuation of the Ravenhurst saga. Thank you!
  • Koki NiehausKoki Niehaus
    STILL INSTALLING WILL AMEND RATING ACCORDINGLY AFTER PLAYING GAME. I just wanted to thank Melissa Gury AGAIN for me seeing there's a new game released. I watch Big Fish and Google Playstore but still no sign of new game BUT I can check out Melissa's page and know that she's got it and all I've gotta do is click download Thanks darlin I'm ALWAYS on pins and needles each week waiting for new game and praying there's 2 !!!! ;)
  • Sharon LongfellowSharon Longfellow
    Fantastic game with no problems see for your selves and a good price too๐Ÿ˜€
  • Liz DonnellyLiz Donnelly
    Key to ravenhearst This is a fantastic game,it has everything we love,all I can say is buy it you won't be disappointed.

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